Hotbed Festival 2009

Hotbed 2009 played at Cambridge Junction June 25th - July 4th.

In 2009 we hosted an exciting array of workshops, works in progress sharings, and guest productions. At this years’ Hotbed we shared work from new and established writers, including Janice Okoh, Andrew Muir, and the stand out of the festival, Anna Reynolds’ Stand by your Van.

The 2009 line up…

  • Stand By Your Van by Anna Reynold Produced in association with the Pleasance

    At Sea By Clare Bayley

    Flick to Kick By Judy Upton and Matt Merritt

    Egusi Soup By Janice Okoh

    Events from a Forgotten War By Fraser Grace

    Prosperity 3 By Alison Falconer

    Four for Jericho By Richard Fredman

    One Page Play Competition-a-thon

  • A Stroke of Genius by PIT

    The Captain of the School Football Team by Kenneth Emson

    Tasseomancy by Small Change

    Wittgenstein’s Face By Jeremy Hardingham

    A Pint for the Ghost by Helen Mort

    Our Share of Tomorrow by Real Circumstance

    The Great Escape (from Corporate Training) by Chris Dobrowolski

    Hotbed Cabaret: An Adult Evening of Shel Silverstein’s sketches Directed by Karen Kohlhaas

  • The Altruists By Craig Baxter

    Mummy Loves You By Andrew Muir

    Work by ARU and Write On!

    Graveside Monologues by Parkside Federation Creative and Media Diploma Students

    Black Sea By Steve Waters

    Pork Pies & Copycats By Anna Rowntree

    There's No Need to Panic By Jennifer Tuckett

  • BBC Radio Drama Workshop with Fiona Kelcher

    Playwriting Workshop with Steve Waters

    Monologue Workshop for Actors with Karen Kohlhaas

    Panel Discussion Age and Treachery Will Triumph Over Youth and Skill Featuring industry professionals including Peter Leslie Wild, Karen Kohlhaas and Steve Waters

    Stand By Your Van A practical acting and writing workshop for school groups.

    Our Share of Tomorrow hosted by Real Circumstance. Work in progress