DRŽ SE! (Hold On!) by Paul Bourne

DRŽ SE! will be playing at The Municiple Theatre, Most, Czechia from March 2025.

An interactive play about hope, endurance, greed…and a very big pick-up truck.

Written & Directed by Paul Bourne

Translated and Dramaturged by Michal Pětík

Costume by Lucie Špalková

Set Design by Lukáš Kuchinka

Inspired by US contests, DRŽ SE! is a performance piece centred on a competition to win a £45,000 pick-up Truck.

DRŽ SE! is an incredible spectacle as 12 determined, half crazed contestants are pitted against each other to see who can keep their hand on a pick-up truck for the longest amount of time.

The rules are simple; whoever endures the longest, wins.

DRŽ SE! (Hold On!) premieres at The Municiple Theatre on March 7th 2025.

Get tickets here!

This show was first developed by Menageire Co-Artsitc Director, Paul Bourne, in 2005. In 2009, Anna Reynolds continued development of this show alongside Paul, now titled Stand By Your Van.This work proceeeded to recieve 5 star reviews for it’s run at The Edinburgh Fringe Festival that year.

Stand By Your Van was also shared at Hotbed Festival 2009 prior to it’s Edinburgh Fringe debut.

Albatross by Martha Loader


What does one generation owe to the next?

Martha Loader is our 2024 commissioned playwright! She is currently working with us on her new play, Albatross, which was shared in July as a preview production as part of Hotbed 2024.

Martha Loader is a playwright, actor, and producer from Ipswich. Previous work has been presented by HighTide, Mercury Theatre, Menagerie Theatre Company, and INK. She is an associate artist of the New Wolsey Theatre, and has been commissioned by Menagerie Theatre, and the Almeida Theatre as part of their ‘Genesis New Playwrights, Big Plays Programme’. Her play BINDWEED won the Judges Award at the Bruntwood Prize for Playwriting 2022 and will tour in 2024.

You can keep up with Martha and everything she’s up to on her Twitter (X) @MarthaLoader

Martha Loader talks all things Albatross

Martha Loader is our 2024 commissioned playwright who has been working closely with the Menagerie team to develop her commissioned piece of work - Albatross.

Martha also led one of our Young Writers’ Workshops in February. After which, she sat down to speak with Sarah Saxby about the project, its themes, and her writing in general.

This interview was done based on Martha’s first draft of Albatross, therefore themes and plot points may change by the time the play is previewed.

TOY STORIES by Chris Dobrowolski

Written and Performed by Chris Dobrowolski

Directed by Paul Bourne

Find out the next performance dates on Chris’ website

Toy Stories, Or How Not to Make a Living as an Artist is avaliable for touring!

Contact chrisdobo@gmail.com for more info and to book

Part stand-up comedy, part performance lecture, TOY STORIES takes the audience on an irreverent, powerful and hilarious storytelling adventure through art, contemporary politics, twentieth-century history and ...toys!

When all around you is falling apart, can childhood toys provide some sort of grounding? When fake news abounds and politicians lie routinely, who's to tell Chris that his creations are just pretend?

A dazzling journey from Scalextric to Nazis!


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Funding also provided by: The Barbara Whatmore Charitable Trust