Hotbed Festival 2008
Hotbed 2008 played at Cambridge Junction July 3rd - 12th.
A wonderful mix of work at Hotbed 2008! Including work (and workshops) from Hotbed newbees Trestle Theatre and Ranjit Bolt, and from Hotbed favourites such as Jane Upton and Craig Baxter.
The 2008 line up…
Tongues By Fraser Grace
Stutter By Jennifer Farmer
Signor Castiglioni The Violin Teacher, Is Bleeding from both His Ears By Craig Baxter
A Sudden Visitation of Calamity By Samantha Ellis
Invisible Mice By Kenneth Emson
Elephants in Nairobi By Anna Rowntree
Oran’s Message By Danusia Iwaszko
Push The Button By Judy Upton
Going Potty By Ranjit Bolt (after Georges Feydeau’s En Purge Bébé!)
The Life of Lola Montez by Trestle in collaboration with Increpación Danza
Present:Tense by Nabokov in collaboration with Hotbed
The One-PagePlay-Compathon
Menagerie Laughter Lab
Menagerie Futures: Paul Crossley
Work from ARU Students
The Empire Builders by Menagerie, read by Menagerie Ensemble
Write-On work from Cambridge New Writers' Group
Menagerie Futures: Daniel O’Brien
Lough / Rain Presented by Real Circumstance
Reykjavík Presented by Shams Theatre
The Angels Presented by Nabokov
Beyond The Box
BBC Radio Workshops: Masterclass A Q&A with BBC Development Producer Fiona Kelcher
Hotbed New Writing Masterclass: Making New Work, Work.
Meet Menagerie: Hotbed
Trestle Workshop: Lola
Going Potty The Workshop with
Ranjit Bolt
Menagerie: Going Potty
Getting started